
Tips for Sustainable Living

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Eco-Friendly Living

Easy to Grow Plants at Home for a Healthy Lifestyle!

I don’t know a lot of people who have green thumbs and for many other people, planting is actually an effort. But growing your own crops bring many benefits and not to mention the fact that planting is actually very good for the earth and the air around your area. There are some very low maintenance plants you can try to grow in your backyard, though, if this is something that you’re not really prepared to take care of regularly. If you have a porch or a small backyard with a good source of natural light, then this will do.

Carrots are easy to grow and also produce crops fast and plenty. You can have a small patch in the backyard for this or if you have to, plant the carrots in each pot. Just make sure that these are big pots, of at least 14 inches deep, because that’s how long a carrot’s root grows for it to be healthy. You only need to water the carrots at least once a day and provide it with good sunlight. You can use carrots for food, because it’s a good source of fiber and vitamin D. But others also make use of this for organic cleansing. To have this right in your backyard would be such a convenience.

Aloe Vera is actually a must in every home because it has lots of medicinal properties. Plant this in a pot and leave it there. It’s that simple because the plant can subsist if you only water it at least twice a month. You only need to bring it inside the house when it’s snowing, of course. Aloe Vera is a good skin care moisturizer and can heal minor burns and cut.

Lettuces are so easy to care for, it’s like you’re not actually planting anything. You just leave this lying on the ground or sprouting in a put, and you will have fresh source for salad all day everyday. Plus, lettuce looks pretty nice and green, too. All it needs is ample sunlight and that’s about it.

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