
Tips for Sustainable Living

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What is Sustainable Living?


Living green affects all aspects of our day to day activities. A sustainable lifestyle means that while we use the resources available to us, we also find ways to contribute and make this planet better by not depleting these resources.

Sustainable living is achieved in these following areas:

1. In spite of the existence of eco-friendy vehicles or those that use less gas and are hybrid in construction, these are still the best ways to live green: walking, biking and carpooling or taking public transportation to lessen carbon footprint.

2. Traveling, unfortunately, entails a lot of expenses and wastes, not only just in the pocket but with most everything else. Because traveling entails pleasure and enjoyment, we often do not think to conserve or use things in the best possible sustainable way, such as using turning off the lights or conserving water in the hotel bathroom. Most of the time, conscious green living takes a vacation as well, when we travel. But it’s a good thing a lot of hotels and even bed & breakfasts make lodging an eco-friendlier place these days, where guests are reminded to observe living green.

3. Like traveling, celebrating holidays (like Thanksgiving, Christmas and Halloween) as well as summer parties, makes us sometimes forego our green living habits. That’s why this poses a challenge but then again, it brings a satisfactory achievement when we do maintain the status quo even after with all the celebration.

4. Learn more about sustainable living by becoming involved and active in green living efforts in your school, place of work or by joining an organization.

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