
Tips for Sustainable Living

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Easy TipsEco-Friendly Living

Eco Friendly Snacks 101 Guide


It is getting closer to that time again, the time when people spend as much time as they can outdoors and the days get longer while the nights get shorter, it’s the perfect time for saving energy as more sunlight equals less lights needed in houses and such, since most of us will be spending a lot of time outside it would be great if we could have snacks and enjoy our days while still helping our planet in the process, so behold some eco friendly tips for picnics and outdoors activities.

Firstly you have to think about your storage options as most people know nowadays that plastic bags take a thousand years to break down making it very bad for our planet, avoid using plastic bags to pack food instead turn to reusable shopping bags or better yet tupperware.  Use biodegradable bags to store cheese’s, sandwiches, cold meats and cover with foil or better yet a plate when storing foods. Glass nowadays ranks high amongst green consumers trying to keep their family safe and reduce their consumption. 

It is also important to try and stay local when you venture outside for the day with family, reduce pollutants by driving less and putting fewer miles on your car. Remember to recycle and give another life to your cans and bottles, search for your nearest recycle bin or just keep your waste till you get home and recycle then, never leave rubbish lying around as this can contaminate water, harm wildlife and pollute our planet. Also when making or buying your food if possible choose from a local farm as they caretake for the environment greatly. All these tips and more can help to make your summer perfect and keep our planet healthy, for more tips and advice go here  Eco Picnic Tips

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