
Tips for Sustainable Living

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Easy Tips

Tips for Eco Friendly Holiday!


The holiday season is upon us and I’m sure that plenty of you will be going away on trips with family. Before you set for travel, make sure you read up on the place you are going to visit. Learning about their culture and way of living, as well as properly abiding by this is one way of traveling responsibly.

For instance, some places may be experiencing water or energy shortages and it could be the same thing for the place you are about to visit. As a responsible visitor, be sure to help save their community by also observing strict discipline when it comes to using their resources. If you’re bruising your teeth or taking a bath, be conscious about water use. Turn off electricity when you don’t have to use them.

Travels usually have tours and activities schedules. Try picking an activity or excursion that is geared towards the environmentally friendly, if there is one. They may be a bit expensive, but the experience should be priceless. When tours are outdoors, be aware of the surroundings and respect it. Never pick flowers or disturb natural habitats and just leave these alone after you have taken your photos. Also be careful not to litter the streets with your trash. If you have to throw something away and you can’t find any, take this back to the hotel with you and dispose of it there.

Establishments may have strict rules about smoking and alcohol, so be aware of these and learn to observe it. If you have to visit a holy place or a sacred sanctuary, be also observant of the customs there and abide by it, as a way of respecting the place you are visiting.

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