
Tips for Sustainable Living

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Eco-Friendly Living

Eco Friendly Grilling - Tips for Sustainable Living!

Backyard barbecue is always fun. It’s especially joyous to do this among close friends and family. It doesn’t matter what you cook — pork, ribs or even vegetables — what matters, these days is that you consider cooking this in the greenest way possible.

Below are a few more tips:

Do away with the disposable plastic cups and utensils. Use reusable ones, many stores now carry reusable party stuff. If you’re still keen on disposables, such as tissue papers, make sure that these are made from recycled materials already.

Buy your meat and fruits or veggies from an organic farm, to ensure that these have been grown without any pesticides. Besides, these cook better and taste better as well. You might even score organic beer at specialty stores. Yes, there are organic beers!

Have a coverlid when you cook, as this traps the heat and makes your cooking more efficient. It also helps to cook the food evenly.

Make sure you are cleaning your grill after use for proper maintenance. Use baking soda to get the grease and the gunk out, as this cleans really well, and does not come with harmful chemicals, at that.

How To Know if your Beauty Products are Safe or Eco-Friendly

We all know the truth: beauty products are filled with chemicals, many of these we can’t even remember to spell right — phthalates, Sodium laureth sulfate, oxybenzone, synthetic fragrance — these are just some of the terms you read on the label. Even those that are labeled “organic”, such as mineral make-ups, have some form of chemicals in it.

As so much of these chemicals are found in the everyday products we use to care for ourselves, how is it so easy for others to stay away from these potentially toxic products, unless they create their own raw and organic beauty and health items?

The truth is, you shouldn’t beat yourself up about it. There’s no need to study each and every chemical composition so that you’d be an expert as to what really goes on your body.

You just have to be comfortable with the product you purchase and know a few things like:

What company makes this product and how reputable are they when it comes to their committment to producing organic stuff. It isn’t enough that you have to put their product into your grocery basket and pay at the counter. You have to do a little background checking and see what the company is like. Yes, you have to do your research and if you are comfortable about what you find out, then there’s the trust you establish with the brand.

Know SOME stuff about a product’s key ingredients. Read up on those that are always touted as toxic. Those are the ones you have to keep in mind so that the next time you shop and see these in the products, then prudence will tell you that it would be common sense to avoid it.

 Trust what your body tells you. If something you use leads to the development of itch and rashes, then it would be best to stop using altogether or switch to one that will not give you any irritation.

We can’t completely avoid chemicals, because the way the world works today, it truly is everywhere. But we can do something so that the effects are less toxic in the body and these simple tips should help.

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