
Tips for Sustainable Living

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Eco-Friendly Living

Saving Energy with Eco-Kitchens!

To keep with the theme of eco – friendly for your home one of the most important and busiest area’s is the kitchen which can also attract rubbish from leftovers and general dirt which is unhealthy so rather than your regular cleaning how about making the change to a green kitchen i.e eco kitchen which will be the best for your whole family and our planet.

 Our homes heating and cooling devices are surprisingly the biggest energy drains and suck up at least 30 percent of household usage the main culprit is the constantly used and important refrigerator , to keep your temperature good you should start by avoiding the common mistake of over stocking the top storage of your fridge this will block the circulation which will force the compressor to work a lot harder therefore draining more energy.

Instead of storing your leftovers straight away wait for them to cool down and make sure there well covered before storing them away. Make sure to clean your fridge at least every 6 months or so and remember to vacuum the coils.

Induction cooktops are a great way to save energy at least 40 – 70 percent to be exact, they offer temperature control and a cooktop which stays cool, they are more expensive then the ordinary cooktops but prices are sure to fall rapidly when they become more popular and the competition increases.

When your remodeling your kitchen try to choose products made from recycle materials a place like  eco kitchen could help. Finally your garbage bins for your waste should be kept separate for your eco and general waste, give your kitchen that green touch today and save energy and your planet!!

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