
Tips for Sustainable Living

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Eco-Friendly Living

Eco Friendly Fashion

With spring time coming to a close and summer fast approaching its a good time to update your wardrobe starting this weekend perhaps with fathers day this sunday, if your going out to dinner it would be a nice time to grace the restaurant in style with some eco friendly clothes.

If your wondering what exactly makes clothes eco friendly then think of “stepping lightly on the earth” meaning in terms of fashion fewer chemicals in the development and production of clothes. Eco friendly companies also tend to focus on fair trade labor, animal cruelty free and recycling. Eco friendly clothes are become more popular nowdays meaning a lot more choices for the green conscious minds. The main fabrics to look out for when shopping this summer should be;

Hemp, this is eco friendly as it does not require pesticides to grow, Woody Harrelson started this hemp wearing thread years ago and clearly had the right idea, hemp clothes should be at the top of all our fashion choices.

Silk can be good and bad you would have to do some research on them, normally the big business silks are bad unless they are advertised as positive in green friendly terms. Keep an eye out for the positive silk.

Cashmere is negative unless its the more positive mixture of cashmere and hemp blend fabrics, overall though animal rights people would probably avoid cashmere at call costs as animal fur is involved one way or another.

Anything created organically is always a big winner plus there is always a huge selection in the more popular ranges of clothes. For some help in your eco friendly fashion selections try out white apricot  and greenloop , new fashion stores dedicated to green friendly fashion are appearing everyday so keep track.

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